Assessors in Cass County, Indiana are responsible for determining the value of taxable property within a county or local area. These property value assessments are used to levy property taxes. In addition to property values, Assessors maintain detailed Cass County maps that show parcel boundaries and buildings, including topographic maps. These Cass County topography maps show elevations, shorelines, place names, and geographic features. They may also include information related to natural disasters such as floods or earthquakes. Assessors may make topographic maps available on their websites.
Cass County Assessor's Office Logansport IN 200 Court Park 46947 574-753-7710 Suggest Edit
Clerks in Cass County, Indiana maintain public records for a county or local government, which includes a range of types of documents. As part of their duties, Clerks maintain detailed local maps, including Cass County topographic maps. These maps show elevations, place names, rivers, lakes, and other bodies of water, and may include zoning information related to flood zones or earthquake hazards. Cass County Clerks may also hold historic topographic maps, including USGS maps and GIS maps. These maps are often available online at the Clerk's website.
Cass County Clerk Logansport IN 200 Court Park 46947 574-753-7740 Suggest Edit
Royal Center Clerk Royal Center IN 104 E North St 46978 574-643-3771 Suggest Edit
Recorders of Deeds in Cass County, Indiana maintain real estate ownership documents to ensure the accuracy of property and land records. In addition to deeds, Cass County Recorders of Deeds also have detailed county and local maps that show property lines and building information, including Cass County topographic maps. These maps show elevations, water depths, geographic features, and may include aerial photos or shaded relief images. Recorders of Deeds may provide online access to their topographic maps on their websites.
Cass County Recorder of Deeds Logansport IN 200 Court Park 46947 574-753-7810 Suggest Edit